Instruments, Instruction & Music

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75 Results

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    Handy zippered case made of durable nylon with padded compartments to keep the bells protected


    Item No: 1011

    The wooden limbertoy, popular in Appalachia and dating back to Colonial times, is both a toy and a rhythm instrument.

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  • These Nigerian bells have a very distinct tone-- more like a cowbell than the Togo Gonkogwe bells, which have a brighter tone.

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  • Authentic native instrument from Nigeria. Stick included.

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  • WOOD GONG Small

    Item No: 2231

    Authentic native instrument from Nigeria.  8" w/striker.

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  • Played with a stick (included), these gongs keep the beat as people march through the towns and villages celebrating the bountiful harvest.

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  • 7 key, 8". From South Africa.

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    Item No: 2395

    8" tall with 5" head, made in Indonesia

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  • This one-handed African castanet is ideal for directing an ensemble, as its high pitched cutting tone is easily heard over other instruments.

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    Item No: 3207

    The notched surface is scraped with metal thimbles (included) worn on the player's fingers. 

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    Item No: 99501
    ($221 Value - Save $22)

    Our set of authentic instruments from Nigeria and Ghana creates both a visual and timbre feast! 

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  • Our set of authentic instruments from Nigeria and Ghana creates both a visual and timbre feas and store them in a large, colorful African basket!

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  • An All-American Collection for Young Players by John Riggio.

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    Item No: 8125
    ($36 Value - Save $4)

    March in the colonial band with your fife and drum!

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